Active Adults
This section provides sport and fitness opportunities for adults who want to keep fit, meet new people and try something new. The activities are delivered at venues across Southend.
Active Life
Active Life offer a wide range of fitness activities for the older age group.
Adult Diving Classes
Try something new, in our Olympic standard diving facility at Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre.
Bollywood Dance Fitness
Learn a variety of dance styles used in Bollywood movies
Climbing on artificial rocks
Cycling sessions in Southend
Adults football in and around Southend
Park Play
Come and try Park Play sessions
Parks Tennis
Tennis in Southend Parks
Offered at White Hall Bowls Club
Short Mat Bowls
Offered at White Hall Bowls Club
Stay Well, Stay Steady
Work on staying steady, strength and balance
Walking Football
Walking football sessions at different locations
Wellbeing Referral Programme
A programme to improve health for adults of all ages